FDA Warns Against Using These 2 Eye Drop Products Because of Potential Contamination

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning that two eye drop products, Acular LS and Acuvail, may be contaminated and are now under investigation. The FDA is urging consumers to discontinue use of these products immediately.

The FDA is investigating the potential contamination of these two products after reports of increased adverse events associated with their use. Specifically, the FDA reports that it has received complaints of eye pain, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light after using the products. In addition, the FDA suspects that these products might contain bacteria, fungi, and/or other foreign material.

It is important to note that these two products have not been recalled. The FDA is still in the process of conducting its investigation into the potential contamination of Acular LS and Acuvail and is not yet able to determine whether or not the two products are contaminated.

In light of these reports, the FDA is recommending that consumers who have purchased these products should immediately discontinue use and contact a healthcare professional. Furthermore, the FDA encourages users of these products to return them to their place of purchase.

As this is an ongoing investigation, the FDA is advising consumers to be aware of any potential signs or symptoms associated with these products. If users experience symptoms such as eye pain, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light, they should seek immediate medical attention.

In the meantime, the FDA is dedicated to identifying the cause of any potential contamination and ensuring the safety of these two products. The continued investigation will remain an ongoing process until such time that the contaminated products are identified and any necessary corrective measures are taken.

The FDA emphasizes that, until further notice, consumers should not use Acular LS and Acuvail. In the event that contaminated products have been purchased, consumers should contact their healthcare provider for advice and return the products to the store where they were purchased.

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